CCRM and its partners will deliver on the promise to make Canada a global leader in regenerative medicine asset development and commercialization.

CCRM is the commercialization partner of Medicine by Design.

Medicine by Design harnesses the extraordinary expertise at the University of Toronto and its affiliated hospitals at the convergence of physical and life sciences, engineering, mathematics and medicine to undertake transformative research in regenerative medicine and cell therapy. It fosters unique collaborations and uses engineering design principles and quantitative biological modelling to nurture innovative environments where breakthroughs emerge. Through strategic investments and partnerships, Medicine by Design is powering Toronto’s bioscience ecosystem, strengthening Canada as a global centre for regenerative medicine and improving health outcomes.

Cytiva is the anchor partner in the Centre for Advanced Therapeutic Cell Technologies (CATCT).

Cytiva is a global life sciences leader that delivers the tools and technologies that advance and accelerate the development of novel therapeutics that transform human health.

At Cytiva, we know we can’t do it alone, so we form strategic partnerships that allow us to work directly with researchers, academic institutions, emerging biotech and large biopharmaceutical companies to develop the next generation of solutions, including customized tools, analytics and support.

Cytiva has played a significant role in the revolutionary cell and gene therapy industry and will continue collaborating with CCRM at CATCT to help bring these new medicines to the patients who need them most.

University Health Network is our partner in the Centre for Cell and Vector Production (CCVP), Toronto’s largest Good Manufacturing Practices facility designed exclusively for cell and viral vector manufacturing.

University Health Network (UHN) consists of Toronto General and Toronto Western Hospitals, the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, and The Michener Institute of Education. The scope of research and complexity of cases at UHN has made it a national and international source for discovery, education and patient care. It has the largest hospital-based research program in Canada, with major research in cardiology, transplantation, neurosciences, oncology, surgical innovation, infectious diseases, genomic medicine and rehabilitation medicine. UHN is a research hospital affiliated with the University of Toronto.

Collaborative partners:

MaRS Discovery District is an innovation centre connecting the worlds of science, business and capital with the goal of dramatically improving commercial outcomes for entrepreneurs. Located in the heart of Toronto and networked across Ontario, the MaRS Discovery District is the gateway to Canada’s largest concentration of scientific research, anchored by major teaching hospitals, universities, and research institutes, adjacent to leading financial institutions and surrounded by a creative urban community. MaRS is a member of the Ontario Network of Excellence.

The McEwen Stem Cell Institute’s vision is to be a world-renowned centre for stem cell biology and regenerative medicine. To achieve this goal, the team of McEwen Investigators is working together to accelerate the development of more effective treatments for conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, respiratory disease and spinal cord injury. The McEwen Stem Cell Institute is based at the MaRS Centre/Toronto Medical Discovery Tower. The McEwen Stem Cell Institute was established at the University Health Network in 2003 with a generous donation from Rob and Cheryl McEwen, which they matched in 2006 with a second donation.

CGP is at the crossroads of the legal, medical and public policy fields. The CGP promotes prospective structuring and guidance for both research in genomic health sciences and its applications. Currently CGP’s research covers five areas of genomics and policy: procreation and reproductive genetics, pediatric health, privacy, public health, and personalized medicine. These domains are approached using three guiding foundations: internationalization, policy development and knowledge transfer. CGP allows CCRM to be at the forefront of responsible governance.

The Stem Cell Network (SCN) is a national non-profit that supports stem cell and regenerative medicine research, training the next generation and outreach across Canada. SCN’s goal is to translate science from the lab to clinical applications, commercial products and public policy for the benefit of Canadians. SCN is supported by the Government of Canada and works in partnership with industry representatives, health charities, government and non-government organizations to build on Canada’s leadership in the sector. Since 2001, SCN has directed an investment of over $100M of strategic funding that has benefited approximately 170 world-class research groups and 3,000 trainees, and has catalyzed 19 clinical trials. Tomorrow’s health is here. Learn more:

Toronto Innovation Acceleration Partners (TIAP) is a member-driven not-for-profit organization that was created in 2008 (at that time under the name “MaRS Innovation”) by 13 of Toronto’s top universities, institutions and research institutes, plus the MaRS Discovery District as host organization. Their mandate is to bring the members’ most promising research breakthroughs to market. In addition to member support, early funding came from the Federal Government through the Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research program.

TIAP’s portfolio is built upon a pipeline of health science discoveries from researchers within their member institutions. TIAP works with inventors to explore options to advance their highest potential innovations. This is accomplished through a suite of programs and funding mechanisms.