CTEG: How do I take my research and make it into a marketable product?

A presentation by Paul Santerre, PhD (University of Toronto) at the Bench to Bedside for Biotherapeutics (B3) Workshop held in Toronto on October 5, 2017.

In this seminar, Dr. Santerre discusses the entrepreneurship ecosystem and how the researcher can start thinking about their research from a commercialization prospective. This seminar provides an overview to better understanding the local translational resources, including training and mentorship, support for intellectual property, planning and executing a commercialization plan and assessing if a clinical research program can generate a marketable product.

This video is presented by the Clinical Translation Education Group:  BioCanRx, CCRM, CellCAN, Foundation Fighting Blindness, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Ontario Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Network.

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